Press release from Companies

Published: 2024-12-30 11:59:00

ODI Pharma AB: Announcement from the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ)

Today, the 30th of December 2024, ODI Pharma AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). A summary of the resolutions follows below. The resolutions were made with the required majority. For more detailed information on the content of the resolutions, please refer to the notice of the Annual General Meeting.

Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet

The AGM resolved to adopt the profit and loss account and balance sheet presented, and the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet.

Allocation of the company’s profit or loss

The AGM resolved to dispose of the company’s results according to the adopted balance sheet, in accordance with the Board’s proposal in the annual report with no dividend to be paid for the financial year 2023/2024. 

Discharge of liability for board members and CEO

The AGM resolved to discharge the members of the board of directors and the managing director from liability for the financial year of 2023/2024.

Determination of the number of members in the board of directors, alternate members, and the number of auditors and alternate auditors

The AGM resolved that the board of directors consist of five (5) ordinary board members and no deputy board member and that one auditor is determined, and no deputy auditors.

Determination of fees for members of the board of directors and auditors

The AGM resolved that the board remuneration should amount to 100,000 SEK for the Chairman of the Board Volker Wiederrich, and 100,000 SEK each for board members Jan-Mark Edewaard and Karina Kilinski. Additionally, The AGM also resolved that board fees of SEK 1,000,000 shall be paid to Malcolm Allan and SEK 150,000 shall be paid to board member Gösta Lidén.

Furthermore, the AGM resolved that auditors' fees should be paid according to approved invoice in accordance with customary charging standards.

Election of the board of directors and accounting firm or auditor

The AGM resolved that Karina Kilinski, Malcolm Allan, Volker Wiederrich and Gösta Lidén be re-elected as ordinary board members. Jan-Mark Edewaard was newly elected as a board member. As Chairman of the Board, Volker Wiederrich was re-elected.

The AGM also resolved that the company's audit firm Örhlings PricewaterhouseCoopers be re-elected as the company auditor until the end of the Annual General Meeting that is held next financial year.

For more information on ODI Pharma, please contact:

Volker Wiederrich, Chairman, ODI Pharma AB


This is an unofficial translation of the announcement of the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ), originally drafted in Swedish. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish original and this translation, the Swedish version shall prevail.

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