Press release from Companies
Published: 2025-03-14 14:00:00
Employees and former board members of Freetrailer have exercised 106,250 warrants in Freetrailer Group A/S and will receive 106,250 shares with a nominal value of DKK 79,688.
The average subscription price for the 106,250 shares is DKK 35.42, resulting in a total purchase price of DKK 3,763,500.
Following this transaction, the company's share capital amounts to DKK 7,258,181, with a total number of shares of 9,677,574.
For more information about Freetrailer Group A/S please contact:
Nicolai Frisch Erichsen, Group CEO
Phone: +45 26 81 81 28
Press material & media inquiries
Sara Lyngsøe
CMO, Freetrailer Group A/S
Phone: +45 61 10 15 57
About Freetrailer
Freetrailer Group is Europe’s largest mobility platform for trailer rentals, with a mission to make it easy to book and borrow a trailer for free through a sharing economy IT platform. With a 100% self-service solution through the Freetrailer app and electronic locks, Freetrailer partners and their customers enjoy full flexibility.
In August 2024, Freetrailer launched its strategic plan, Mont Blanc 2027. Over the next three years, the company will focus on improving the Freetrailer app, expanding market share with both existing and new partners, and strengthening its ONE Team culture. The strategy marks an ambitious journey toward growth and innovation.
Today, Freetrailer Group has a scalable business concept based on an innovative IT platform with global potential. Freetrailer Group A/S was listed on Spotlight Stock Market in 2018.
Ticker code: FREETR